Thursday, October 15, 2009

Quiz On memory Chapter page 600-633

Answer these questions in three words or fewer.
  1. P 601How is a brain like a computer? _______
  2. How is a brain different than a computer?
  3. list three processes of memory _________________________________
  4. What is memory?_____________________________
  5. p 602 Think of memory as a ___________________
  6. p602 What is encoding?
  7. P 602 What is encoding failure_____________
  8. What is attention?
  9. 605 Three types of memory___________________________________
  10. p607 short term storage in our brain can be compared to what in a computer?_____
  11. How is a computer's memory and our memory similar?___________________
  12. p622 what is a flashbulb memory?__________________________
  13. List a flashbulb memory you have_______________________
  14. p629 what causes forgetting with eyewitnesses?______________________
  15. What is this effect called?______________________
  16. p611 What is stored in long term memory?__________________________
  17. If you need to change oil in a car. How to change it is stored in ____term memory.
  18. When to change is in ___________term memory.
  19. the smell of the burning oil is stored in _______________memory

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