Thursday, October 15, 2009

Quiz On memory Chapter page 600-633

Answer these questions in three words or fewer.
  1. P 601How is a brain like a computer? _______
  2. How is a brain different than a computer?
  3. list three processes of memory _________________________________
  4. What is memory?_____________________________
  5. p 602 Think of memory as a ___________________
  6. p602 What is encoding?
  7. P 602 What is encoding failure_____________
  8. What is attention?
  9. 605 Three types of memory___________________________________
  10. p607 short term storage in our brain can be compared to what in a computer?_____
  11. How is a computer's memory and our memory similar?___________________
  12. p622 what is a flashbulb memory?__________________________
  13. List a flashbulb memory you have_______________________
  14. p629 what causes forgetting with eyewitnesses?______________________
  15. What is this effect called?______________________
  16. p611 What is stored in long term memory?__________________________
  17. If you need to change oil in a car. How to change it is stored in ____term memory.
  18. When to change is in ___________term memory.
  19. the smell of the burning oil is stored in _______________memory

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

CMS 185 Week 8

Choose one of the four topics listed below or tell me about another topic dealing with memory would like to present.
Design a slide show of at least fifteen slides. Include pictures, photos, clip art. Illustrate your slides to make them in the form of a presentation. The project is due October 22. Please email it to me via attachment Power Point, Google Docs, blog or other electronic method you know.
Good luck. We will have opportunities in class to work on your project.

Section 1 How Does the Memory Process Begin?

Section 2 What are the Types of Memory Storage?

Section 3 What Influences Memory Retrieval?

Section 4 What Causes People to Forget?